Return index of array matlab

How can I index a MATLAB array returned by a function without first assigning it to a local variable? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. If myfunc() returns a structure that includes an attribute attr, then to access attr currently I need to do S = myfunc(); S.attr. How I can find index of element in array? Follow 8,336 views (last 30 days) Accepted Answer: James Tursa. I know, that number, for example, 5, is an element in array X, but I don't know it's index. In Python, I can use: X.index(5) I realized this function, using for loop and if statement, but did Matlab doesn't have build-in similar For example, if I use the sort function on the array [14 8 91 19], I will get [8 14 19 91]. But instead I want [2 1 4 3] which gives me the indices of elements in the original array. Is there any inbuilt function or does the sort function accept any additional argument to accomplish this? Otherwise I have to write my own function.

24 Aug 2011 we use the parentheses operator to index. It is possible to get a single element, a range of elements, or all the elements. x = linspace(0,pi,10) C = min(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the smallest finds the indices of the minimum values of A , and returns them in output vector I . If  I have a 3D array of numbers and i want to obtain the position (i,j,k)of a particular number (element) in that array. … 1 Like. Converting a Matlab code into Julia If so, how do I find the index of an element in a vector? Such as: a = [ “a”, “b”,  Find and match multiple values in a matrix with MATLAB's ismember function The parameter that find takes is simply a logical array where elements in a that I want to find the index of zeros which is in consecutive order and it should be  26 Jul 2019 Most expressions take such arrays and return such arrays. Operations on MATLAB®'s scripting language was created for doing linear algebra. The syntax for find(a>0.5), nonzero(a>0.5), find the indices where ( a > 0.5). For a matrix argument, return a row vector of logical ones and zeros with each Return a logical array which is true where the elements of x are NaN values and To obtain a single index for each matrix element, Octave pretends that the  In MATLAB A(i,j) accesses the element Aij in row i, column j of the matrix A. If an index exceeds the dimensions of the matrix you will get an error message.

It does work! The linear index of 5 is 4 not 5! But if you want to extract row and column you just need to adapt the code Jan gave you. Store the row and column return from find and put it in the match cell array.

Linear Indices. A linear index allows use of a single subscript to index into an array, such as A(k). MATLAB ® treats the array as a single column vector with each column appended to the bottom of the previous column. Thus, linear indexing numbers the elements in the columns from top to bottom, left to right. It does work! The linear index of 5 is 4 not 5! But if you want to extract row and column you just need to adapt the code Jan gave you. Store the row and column return from find and put it in the match cell array. Indexing with a Single Index. Another method for accessing elements of an array is to use only a single index, regardless of the size or dimensions of the array. This method is known as linear indexing. While MATLAB displays arrays according to their defined sizes and shapes, they are actually stored in memory as a single column of elements. hey if the user select the number of an given array , how i can found the index of this number ? example: select one of thes number [22 23 44] and the user select the number 44 , how i can return the index of 44 which is 3 ? How can I index a MATLAB array returned by a function without first assigning it to a local variable? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. If myfunc() returns a structure that includes an attribute attr, then to access attr currently I need to do S = myfunc(); S.attr. How I can find index of element in array? Follow 8,336 views (last 30 days) Accepted Answer: James Tursa. I know, that number, for example, 5, is an element in array X, but I don't know it's index. In Python, I can use: X.index(5) I realized this function, using for loop and if statement, but did Matlab doesn't have build-in similar

Idx = getIndex(AnnotObj) returns an index array Idx, an array of integers containing the index of each annotation in AnnotObj. Idx = getIndex(AnnotObj, StartPos, EndPos) returns an index array Idx for a subset of elements that falls within each reference sequence range specified by StartPos and EndPos.

If X is a multidimensional array, then find returns a column vector of the linear indices of the result. If  Finding the indices of the elements of one array Learn more about matlab function, vectorization.

hey if the user select the number of an given array , how i can found the index of this number ? example: select one of thes number [22 23 44] and the user select the number 44 , how i can return the index of 44 which is 3 ?

How I can find index of element in array? Follow 8,336 views (last 30 days) Accepted Answer: James Tursa. I know, that number, for example, 5, is an element in array X, but I don't know it's index. In Python, I can use: X.index(5) I realized this function, using for loop and if statement, but did Matlab doesn't have build-in similar For example, if I use the sort function on the array [14 8 91 19], I will get [8 14 19 91]. But instead I want [2 1 4 3] which gives me the indices of elements in the original array. Is there any inbuilt function or does the sort function accept any additional argument to accomplish this? Otherwise I have to write my own function. Every variable in MATLAB® is an array that can hold many numbers. When you want to access selected elements of an array, use indexing. For example, consider the 4-by-4 magic square A: MATLAB uses 1-based indexing, so it should read index(1) in your loop solution – Amro Jul 20 '12 at 13:38. Similar to: Find the location and determine the corresponding value of another array having the same location of one array – Amro Jul 20 '12 at 13:41.

How can I index a MATLAB array returned by a function without first assigning it to a local variable? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. If myfunc() returns a structure that includes an attribute attr, then to access attr currently I need to do S = myfunc(); S.attr.

hey if the user select the number of an given array , how i can found the index of this number ? example: select one of thes number [22 23 44] and the user select the number 44 , how i can return the index of 44 which is 3 ? How can I index a MATLAB array returned by a function without first assigning it to a local variable? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. If myfunc() returns a structure that includes an attribute attr, then to access attr currently I need to do S = myfunc(); S.attr.

26 Jul 2019 Most expressions take such arrays and return such arrays. Operations on MATLAB®'s scripting language was created for doing linear algebra. The syntax for find(a>0.5), nonzero(a>0.5), find the indices where ( a > 0.5).